Friday, April 4, 2014

Status Update

Eh, not so good on the homefront nowadays.

If you look at my fitness activity, anyway.

My brain activity on the other hand: watch out!

Looking back on the week, I think I would classify my behavior more muffin than stealth.

I'm a little down: my daughter has an injury that precludes her running a little kids' race this weekend, and that is affecting me something fierce.  More importantly, it precludes her from walking very well.  That is heart-breaking.

My daughter is the one the Disney escort for Tigger asked to calm down around Tigger!  To not jump, to not run, to sit down, put her feet up - it's anti-life to this girl.

Days Gone By?  Or New Days Ahead?

I remember being like that.  I think I want that spirit again in myself.  Seeing it in her has always been a great boon to my own, but now that she can't be that way until she's healed up, I gotta come up with it myself.

I have so much good going on in my brain I have been content sitting this week.  The sitting part is not good.  It's too easy to get out of a routine.  But I have a different kind of fire under my tush and it is taking a lot to extinguish it.

It's like a mud run going on up there in my head - or warrior dash, one of those: fierce, sweaty, and fun.  My brain hasn't been this active in a long time, and I feel like I should let it go crazy and do what it's going to do.

Meanwhile... the muffin stealthily creeps...

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