Friday, September 27, 2013

Oh, Old Navy

I read once that Old Navy jeans are gateway jeans to Mom jeans.

Forget that, man!  They are stinkin straight up Mom jeans!  No gate needed.

Yeah, I wore mine all week.  It was chubby week.  I can't explain it, except to say that I have a race next week, and I'm really nervous, aaaaand whenever I am nervous I have a habit that makes me chubby.

Ever do a PT test?  In the Army?  Without fail, the night before a PT test, I engaged in this habit.  It is so self-defeating.  I know it is, and yet...

Ever run the Army Ten Miler?  Oh my.  You'll never guess it, but the nights before that race, I always did this, too.  Except for the one year I stayed at Erin's uncle's house, where there was absolutely NO access to cookies.  Ugh that year was awful.  They are such a disciplined family!  Love them though.

Yup.  Cookies and Mom jeans.

Going to start fresh tomorrow morning, with a run on the track.  Sayonara, Old Navy!  Hello, Miss Me.